Is flying from Cardiff Airport a rip off?
Airline news

Is flying from Cardiff Airport a rip off?

One of the hottest topics we get asked about on social media and in emails is why do holidays cost more flying from Cardiff Airport. So we decided to have a look at whether this was actually true, is flying from Cardiff Airport a rip-off? Holiday companies have been under [read more]

WOW Air Airbus A320 TF-BRO (Image: Nick Harding / Aviation Wales)

Bristol Airport loses the WOW factor

Budget carrier WOW has dealt a blow to Bristol Airport as it drops the Bristol – Reykjavik service after just 2 summers. Bristol Airport heralded WOW’s arrival which offered initially a daily flight to Reykjavik (KEF/BIKF) but the Icelandic low-cost carrier (LCC) has struggled to make the route profitable. The [read more]

Norwegian Boeing 737-800 (Credit Alan Wilson/Wikipedia)
Cardiff Airport News

Thomson add extra Tenerife flight for 2016

Thomson Holidays have confirmed they are adding a new charter flight to Tenerife from Cardiff Airport in 2016. The extra Tenerife flight will  be operated by Low-Cost carrier, Norwegian. Norwegian recently signed an agreement with Thomson and First Choice (TUI Group) to operate chartered flights on their behalf. This will [read more]