Aviation engineering and leasing news

Airbus delivers 9000th Airbus A320

Airbus has hit a new milestone when it delivered its 9000th Airbus A320 family aircraft earlier this month. The aircraft, an Airbus A320neo (A20N) was delivered to leading low-cost carrier Easyjet (U2/EZY) on September 13th. The A320 family, and the newer A320neo family, are the second most popular airline in [read more]


Loganair announces six new routes for 2020

Growing regional airline Lognair (LM/LOG) has announced that it is launching six new routes from UK airports in 2020 including its first route from Wales. The new routes are the latest to be announced under Loganair’s ‘Where next?’ programme, which is designed to expand the airline’s route network across the [read more]