Wales Air Ambulance Laser attack (Image: Wales Air Ambulance)

Wales Air Ambulance targeted by laser

A Wales Air Ambulance helicopter was recently targeted by a laser beam which resulted in a medic being blinded while on an emergency flight. The aircraft was on an emergency call on Saturday November 5th when it was targeted several times in the Swansea area. Wales Air Ambulance said the [read more]

Memphis Belle

The most famous planes in history

Every now and again an aircraft goes down in history. We’re not talking types here like Concorde or the Jumbo Jet, we’re talking iconic planes such as Enola Gay or the Spruce Goose, planes that everyone knows just by the mere mention of their name. Here’s our top 5 most [read more]

F-35B Lihgtning II at Farnborough (Image: Nick Harding/Aviation Wales)
Aviation engineering and leasing news

MOD Sealand chosen as global F-35 repair hub

The Ministry of Defence (MOD) has announced that MOD Sealand in Flintshire has been chosen as the global repair hub for European F-35 Lightning II aircraft. The F-35 Program Office has chosen the North Wales site to provide maintenance, repair, overhaul and upgrade services for F-35 avionics and aircraft components. [read more]