Fokker 50 VLM Airlines (Pedro Aragão / Wikimedia Commons)

VLM Airlines ceases operations again

Belgian airline VLM (VO/WLM) has ceased operations with immediate effect following a decision by shareholders today. The decision to liquidate the company was taken at an extraordinary general assembly by majority shareholder SHS Aviation B.V. VLM recently announced that they would be discontinuing scheduled flights to most of its destinations, including its [read more]

British Airways Boeing 777 (Image: Aviation Media Agency)

British Airways to end flights to Iran

British Airways (BA/BAW) has said it will end flights to Tehran (IKA/OIIE) from 22nd September 2018. The airline says the route is unviable following the resumption of US sanctions on Iran. British Airways only resumed flights to Iran 2 years ago following a previous 4-year suspension of the service. The [read more]