
New Ryanair route from Liverpool to Zadar

Ryanair (FR/RYR) has announced it is launching a brand new route from Liverpool Airport (LPL/EGGP) to Zadar (ZAD/LDZD), Croatia. The route will be part of Ryanair’s Summer 2020 schedule from the airport and will operate twice-weekly from May. Ryanair’s Eimear Ryan said: “Ryanair is pleased to launch a new Liverpool route [read more]

Loganair Embraer 145

Loganair to close base at Norwich Airport

Loganair (LM/LOG) has announced that it will close it’s base at Norwich Airport (NWI/EGSH) placing 44 jobs at risk. The airline has formally begun a consultation process with the Pilots and Cabin Crew as well as Engineers who are based at the airport about potential redundancies. In a statement, Loganair’s [read more]