Cardiff Airport’s Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer Debra Barber has stated Air Passenger Duty is hindering growth at Cardiff Airport.
In a statement released today Ms Barber said
Our priority is always to provide our customers and passengers with the best possible experience, a great choice of affordable routes from their local airport, and of course, to provide significant economic benefit to Wales.
We believe that neighbouring airports should work together and complement one another, growing and strengthening side by side for the greater good of a thriving aviation industry across the UK.
The population of the South West of England is well served by Newquay, Exeter, Southampton and Bristol airports. The people of Wales deserve a national Airport that attracts inbound tourism, serves the capital city and offers a great choice of routes at value for money prices. It should be convenient, without the need to travel significant distances.
APD is a punitive tax that only serves to hinder Cardiff Airport’s ability to continue on this journey of growth and we agree, therefore, that it should be scrapped at the earliest opportunity.
Air Passenger Duty is currently under review by Westminster and many are calling for it to become a devolved power allowing the Welsh Government to set APD for Wales. A move which is feared by rival Bristol Airport.
One minute Cardiff MD says the airport should be on a level playing field with Bristol, and the next he’s asking for APD to be devolved to Wales so it can be scrapped. The playing field becomes a little one sided then, doesn’t it?? APD hinders EVERY airport!! Thanks for telling us the obvious.
Also, where will the Welsh government recover the lost revenue from APD? Taxing sweets? Or go crying to Westminster saying the UK government needs to give them even more money per head of population than that of the UK, than they already get?
A. He is a She.
B. The money raised from APD goes to Westminster.
C. It’s the MD of Bristol Airport (which is a he) that refers to “a level playing field”.
D. Wales has the right to set the level of taxes paid by passengers transiting through Wales.
E. Lower APD would be a big incentive to attract long haul airlines, something which Bristol cannot do because of its runway restrictions. Better for the WHOLE Wales and South West Economy.