Alitalia A330 at Cardiff Airport

Alitalia codeshares with Flybe

Airline routes website Airlineroute has reported that Alitalia has extended its codeshare agreement with Flybe for routes between the U.K. and Italy. Alitalia’s financial difficulties and the attempts to re-establish the company on a firm financial footing are ongoing. Ryanair has recently expressed interest in acquiring the whole or parts of [read more]

Ryanair launches Erasmus website

Ryanair provides new Erasmus student booking platform

Ryanair has launched a new dedicated booking platform in partnership with Erasmus Student Network, offering Erasmus students fare discounts, free bags, and tailored travel offers. Delivered as part of Year 4 of Ryanair’s “Always Getting Better” programme, this partnership offers Erasmus students a dedicated ESN booking platform where they can have [read more]

Flybe Embraer E190 G-FEBJ (Image: Aviation Wales)
Aviation engineering and leasing news

Flybe’s E195s: When the music stops

Saad Hammad, the previous Chief Operating Officer of Flybe, created “Project Blackbird” to resolve the problem of nine Embraer E195 in the fleet whose capacity at 118 seats had proved too large for the route structure. Cardiff  Airport is the beneficiary of two and their presence has been a boon [read more]

Flybe Dash 8 G-JEDP

Flybe gets a grip following big losses

Flybe, who have a base at Cardiff Airport, has announced its quarterly results to the end of June show that greater capacity control with a concentration on profitable routes helped it to raise revenue by 11.7% to £174 million. This growth was boosted by new routes from Heathrow and the [read more]

British Airways Flying Start Video

Red Noses for British Airways safety video

A team of top celebrities including Gordon Ramsay, Rob Brydon, Sir Ian McKellen and Thandie Newton make appearances in British Airways’ entertaining new pre-flight safety video, which will be shown from September. The new film features some of Britain’s best-loved personalities and has been designed to help customers to understand [read more]