Wizz Air
New Routes

Wizz Air continues London Luton expansion

Hungarian carrier Wizz Air is continuing its London Luton expansion with the addition of 3 more routes. Wizz Air, which has been the benefactor of slots from defunct Monarch, is adding flights to Bari, Athans and Keflavik from the south-east airport. Having previously announced 5 new routes the latest city pairings are [read more]

Tough sentences for Laser Pen attacks
Aviation safety news

Tough sentences for Laser Pen attacks

People who target aircraft with laser pens face tough new prison sentences under new laws proposed by the government. The Laser Misuse (Vehicles) Bill makes the offence of shining a laser pen at a vehicle, including aircraft, punishable by up to 5 years in prison. Pilots of airliners, as well [read more]

Ryanair - A broken culture

Ryanair – A broken culture

Ryanair has finally said it will recognise unions this week as they faced strikes from pilots at multiple bases but the move highlights a broken culture at the airline which has created a hostile environment for its staff. No-one can deny the meteoric rise of Ryanair (FR/RYR) since it began in [read more]

Norwegian flights to the US
Airline news

Norwegian increases Gatwick to Boston frequency

Norwegian has said it plans to increase the frequency of its London Gatwick to Boston service from June 2018. The service, which currently operates 4-times per week will increase to daily from 12th June. Norwegian Air International operates the transatlantic service from London Gatwick (LGW/EGKK) to Boston Logan (BOS/KBOS) using a [read more]

A Canadian CF-18 is the first aircraft to confirm for the 2018 Yeovilton Air Day.
Air show news

Canadian CF-18 confirms for Yeovilton Air Day

A Canadian CF-18 is the first aircraft to confirm for the 2018 Yeovilton Air Day. The annual air show takes place at RNAS Yeovilton and attracts military aircraft from around the world as well as the very best civilian display pilots. The Royal Canadian Air Force CF-18 display is one of the [read more]

Welsh Wings for Delta as airline orders 100 aircraft
Aviation engineering news

Welsh Wings for Delta as airline orders 100 aircraft

Key US airline Delta Airlines (DL/DAL) has ordered 100 Airbus A321neo aircraft from the European airframer in a snub to US-based Boeing. Traditionally a Boeing operator, the Atlanta based airline has chosen the Airbus A321neo over the Boeing 737max10 in order to refresh its fleet of ageing 737’s & A320 aircraft. [read more]


Irish Ryanair pilots to strike before Christmas

Ireland based Ryanair pilots who are members of IALPA have notified Ryanair of their intent to take industrial action before Christmas, a move which the Irish budget carrier says it will “face down”. 83 Ryanair pilots who are members of the Irish Airline Pilots Association (IALPA) voted to take industrial [read more]