Teesside Airport 1967 (Image: Northern Echo/Teesside Airport)
Airline news

Teesside airport celebrates 80th anniversary

Tesside Airport (MME/EGNV) is celebrating its 80th anniversary this year and it is doing so with what it describes as an “transformative” year. Originally known as RAF Middleton St George, the airfield started life in 1941 as a base for World War II bombers including Whitleys, Wellingtons and Lancasters. The [read more]

Military aviation news

Unmanned fighter to be built in Northern Ireland

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has awarded a three-year contract to Spirit Aerosystems to build an unmanned fighter code named “Loyal Wingman” worth £30m. The contract will see a prototype for the unmanned aircraft designed and built at the former Bombardier site in Belfast, Northern Ireland and will support 100 [read more]

Norwegian Boeing 737 on Finals to London Gatwick
Airline news

Norway Government will now offer support for Norwegian

The Government of Norway has said it will support and contribute to the capital of Norwegian Air Shuttle just two-months after it refused further support for the struggling carrier. Since then the airline has entered a restructuring process under an “examinership scheme” in Ireland and a “supplementary reconstruction” process in [read more]

Boeing 737 Max 7 (Image: Max Thrust Digital)
Aviation engineering and leasing news

Boeing sees massive net order loss for 2020

Boeing has ended 2020 with a torrid looking order book that saw it have net orders for -1,026 aircraft, no, the minus is not a typo! The Seattle based airframer was impacted largely loss of orders for the Boeing 737 Max which over the year saw a net loss of [read more]