Sqn Ldr Tom Bould is the New Red 1 for 2021 (Image: MOD/Crown Copyright 2020)
Air show news

New Red 1 announced by Red Arrows

The Royal Air Force Aerobatic Team (RAFAT), The Red Arrows, have announced a new Red 1 for 2021. Squadron Leader Tom Bould, a former frontline Typhoon Pilot, takes over the role from outgoing Red 1 Martin Pert on the 12th October. 39-year-old Tom Bould hails from Bradford, West Yorkshire joined [read more]

RAF Red Arrows Synchro Break (Image: Aviation Media Agency)
Aviation safety news

Fatigue contributed to Red Arrows fatal crash

An inquiry has found that fatigue and reduced situational awareness contributed to the crash of a Red Arrows BAe Hawk at RAF Valley last year in which an engineer was killed. The Special Inquiry Panel found that Flight Lieutenant David Stark, who survived the accident, had a daily routine that [read more]