London Southend Airport (SEN/EGMC) has committed to carbon neutrality by 2027 after achieving airport carbon accreditation.
The airport has already begun reducing CO2 emissions which totalled 4,724 tCO²e¹ in 2019, down from 5,133 in 2018 which is a 36% reduction in emissions per unit revenue.
Glyn Jones, CEO, London Southend Airport said: “This award reflects the work the airport continues to invest in addressing its environmental impacts. The airport recognises it has an important role to play in protecting the environment whilst creating economic benefits, connectivity and employment opportunities for everyone in Southend and the local area. This is a great first step towards carbon neutrality and another part of our plan to develop a sustainable airport..”
Olivier Jankovec, ACI EUROPE Director General added: “Achieving Airport Carbon Accreditation amid the worst crisis ever experienced by the airport sector is both extraordinary and commendable. We all know that we cannot wait for the health crisis to loosen its grip on our industry to address the looming Climate Emergency, at the same time decarbonisation comes at a cost that cannot be absorbed easily in normal circumstances, not to mention the current financial devastation faced by airports across Europe and beyond. London Southend Airport is leading by example in continuing to invest in carbon management and reduction regardless. Hats off to the team that made it possible!”
Southend Airport is also making positive changes with projects ranging from its own solar farm which powers the terminal, using air quality monitors (NO²) around the airport site (which consistently remain below Government guidelines) and a commitment to zero waste to landfill.