Embraer E190-E2 "Profit Hunter" (Image: Nick Harding / UK Aviation Media)
Airline news

FIA22: Embraer tops sales chart over the 5 day show

Brazillian airframer Embraer has come out on top of the sales charts at the Farnborough International Airshow (FIA22) with total orders and commitments reaching 280. While most of Embraer’s orders were for the much vaunted single-aisle E195-E2, Embraer also did well with the older E175 and its future eVTOL aircraft [read more]

Cargolux Selects 777-8 Freighter as Preferred Replacement for 747-400 Fleet
Air cargo news

FIA22: Cargolux selects 777-8F to replace 747s

Luxembourg-based freight specialist Cargolux has selected the Boeing 777-8F to replace its Boeing 747-400 freighters in an announcement at the Farnborough International Airshow. The company is the world’s largest operator of Boeing widebody freighters with 30 Boeing 747-400 and 747-8F aircraft in its fleet and replacing the older -400s with [read more]

Easyjet A320neo (Image: UK Aviation Media)
Aviation engineering news

FIA22: easyJet firms up A320neo order

easyJet has firmed up an order for 56 Airbus A320neo family aircraft in a deal announced at the Farnborough International Airshow. The package of 56 aircraft includes the conversion of 18 A320neo aircraft to the larger A321neo. Kenton Jarvis, CFO for easyJet, said: “We believe this order will support positive [read more]

Virgin Atlantic Boeing 787-9 G-VOWS (Image: Max Thrust Digital)
Aviation engineering news

FIA22: Virgin Atlantic selects Boeing Jeppsen FlightDeck Advisor to reduce fuel costs

Boeing has announced that Virgin Atlantic (VS/VIR), along with two other airlines, has selected the Boeing Jeppsen FlightDeck Advisor digital solution to help optimize efficiency and reduce full consumption on its Boeing 787 aircraft. During recent tests, Virgin Atlantic found that the system reduced in-cruise fuel consumption by 1.7%, which [read more]