Aero engine manafacturer Rolls-Royce has said that it will be closing its jet engine factories at Derby, Solihuill, Tyne & Wear and Glasgow in order to preserve cash this summer.
The temporary closure will last two to three weeks and will help the manafactureer save cash during as it deals with the slowdown caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
Around 12,500 staff are employed in the UK by Rolls-Royce’s aerospace engine division.
The company its now in talks with unions about the closures and how they will affect staff.
Acknowledging the temporary closures would be “disappointing to our colleagues”, Rolls-Royce said it was the first time since it became a PLC that it has been forced too close its operation.
In addition to the temporary closure, the company is also in talks with Unions about a 10 percent productivity cut longer term.