Police: Plane spotting is not essential travel

East Midlands Airport Police (Image: EMAP)
East Midlands Airport Police (Image: EMAP)

Airport Police in the East Midlands have recently issued fines to plane spotters at East Midlands Airport (EMA/EGNX) after finding them at the airport, some having travelled over 50 miles to get there.

In the last 10 days, 2 people have been issued £200 fines for breaching COVID guidelines by going to the airport to spot planes from as far afield as Rotherham and Mansfield.

On social media, East Midlands Airport said: “Another covid fine issued to a male found @EMA_Airport this evening after travelling from Mansfield to watch planes. £200 fine for watching a plane…is it worth it? Regular patrols being conducted and you may find yourself fined if breaching the current covid restrictions.”

Elsewhere, other forces including Avon & Somerset Police and South Wales Police have warned that plane spotting is not essential to travel and the guidelines say you must stay local. The forces say they have had to speak to a number of people to remind of the rules and have a policy of educating rule-breakers before issuing fines.

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