Hundreds of BA Ground Staff jobs to go at Gatwick

A British Airways Airbus at London Gatwick Airport
A British Airways Airbus at London Gatwick Airport

Hundreds of jobs ground staff jobs are set to be lost as the airline transfers all of its current staff to Gatwick Ground Services (GGS).

412 British Airways ground staff will join the existing 511 employees of Gatwick Ground Services, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of British Airways, in July but the company is facing reduced demand, largely due to British Airways stopping operations at Gatwick.

As a result Gatwick Ground Services is proposing 676 redundancies.

According to leaked communications from the company, the reduction in staff is needed to allow GGS to “adjust to the potential reductions in the British Airways flight schedule at Gatwick” and create a more streamline and cost-effective operation.

Unions representing ground staff are already engaged in action to prevent the widespread fire and rehire of staff across GGS’s parent company British Airways which wants to cut 12,000 jobs.

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