Eastern Airways has introduced a fifth aircraft type to its fleet.
Two new ATR 72-600 are coming straight from the production line in Toulouse, France. ATR is part of the Airbus group and the aircraft offers a comfortable cabin environment with a
state-of-the-art glass cockpit incorporating the latest technologies. It has twin turbo props using two powerful Pratt and Whitney 172m engines giving the aircraft a maximum cruise speed of 317mph.
The two aircraft are part of a significant investment and the first was delivered to the UK regional airline on Friday. They are being leased from Nordic Aviation Capital (NAC).
The modern 72-seat aircraft will operate on the Aberdeen to Scatsta (Shetland Isles) oil contract charter services.
Tony Burgess, Eastern Airways’ Chief Operating Officer, said: “We are increasing our capabilities in the 70-seat market with the introduction of these two brand new ATR 72-600s into the fleet, which/tag/eastern-airways is ideally suited for the airports we fly to and environments we operate in. These efficient, modern aircraft help us to fulfil a vital role and provide a long term commitment supporting the oil and gas industry.”
Eastern Airways celebrates its 20th anniversary later this year and has two Embraer 170 and three Embraer 145 jets in its fleet, as well as nine Saab 2000s and is the largest operator in the world of Jetstream 41 aircraft with 17.
One Saab 2000 and one Embraer 170 are in operation for British Airways Cityflyer based on the Isle Of Man and Dusseldorf respectively and one Embraer 145 is at Rodez in France for flights to Paris Orly on a public contract.
The recent franchise agreement between Eastern Airways and Flybe has brought with it a review of fleet requirements and the wet lease of two external aircraft: A Jetstream 32 from AIS Airlines covering the Newcastle – Belfast- IOM route and a Saab 2000 from Darwin Airlines for Aberdeen – Newcastle and into Cardiff Airport.