Commercial passenger flights are to get underway again at Cardiff Airport (CWL/EGFF) when Irish budget airline Ryanair (FR/RYR) restart flying from Wales’ national airport this week.
Flights to Malaga (AGP/LEMG) and Faro (FAO/LPFR) will restart again on the 3rd July with departures at 10:20 and 19:25 respectively.
Shortly after Ryanair restarts Eastern Airways return with their Intra-Wales PSO route connecting Cardiff Airport in South Wales with Angelsey Airport in North Wales.
KLM are due to restart flights to Amsterdam on Monday 3rd August.

It is still not yet confirmed when holiday airlines including Tui Airways UK will restart from Wales but a spokesperson for TUI UK said “We know how important regional flying is for our customers.
“We will continue to review our holiday departure programme in line with Government advice and the demand for travel, and we’ll be adding more regional airports to our summer holiday programme using a staggered approach when it’s feasible to do so.
“We’ll communicate updates to our departure airports as soon as we can.”

Cardiff Airport has been far from quiet though with British Airways storing a large number of long-haul airliners there including several Boeing 747’s, Boeing 777’s and Boeing 787 Dreamliners.
The airport has also been the delivery point for large deliveries of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the Welsh NHS which came on flights from Vietnam and China.
It also also seen regular training flights from both civilian and military training.