Many people across Cardiff have recently been talking about an event that appeared on Facebook for the Cardiff Balloon Fiesta supposedly taking place on the 20th August 2015 at Pontcanna Fields, Cardiff.
Aviation Wales can report that this event has never been organised and according to Cardiff Council will not be taking place. Cardiff Council added “the City of Cardiff Council has no knowledge of the Cardiff Balloon Fiesta which is currently being advertised on Facebook for August 20th. No company has approached the Council for permission to hold this event”.
Whilst it would be great for Cardiff to have a balloon fiesta it is unlikely such an event would happen without being organised by the excellent events team at Cardiff Council.
If you still want your gaseous fix of flying baskets then you can always cross the bridge for Bristol Balloon Fiesta (regarded as one of the best in the world!) at Ashton Court on the 6th – 9th August 2015.
Is there going to be one in 2016?
Highly unlikely given the organisation it would take and the fact that no-one has even spoken to the council about the idea. Heart of the city such as Pontcanna Fields is also not a great location for mass balloon launching. The facebook site was either someones idea of a joke or someone with champagne ideas but a beer brain.