The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has updated its guidance on Dual Flying and Training Flights for private pilots and general aviation.
The guidance comes as the go-ahead to resume dual flights comes into force on 4th July in England.
Public Health England still recommends keeping 2 metres apart under Social Distancing but the guidance recognises that this will not be possible in most cases of dual flights and training flights.
As a result the CAA says pilots should carry out a “Coronavirus Risk Assessment” in order assess the risks of either carrying passenges or students.
The CAA says the risk assessment should consider:
- risks to workers, passengers, customers, and the public, along with the control measures required
- the impact of control measures and whether they result in additional, different risks or non-compliance with other requirements (for example health and safety or equalities legislation)
- applying the hierarchy of controls set out in the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 to control risk in a prioritised way
- consultation with workers, or bodies representing workers, and the public
- the visibility of the results of any risk assessment
- service providers have duties towards individuals with protected characteristics
- transport networks should be accessible to everyone
- individuals should be supported to comply with social distancing
- all equality and discrimination laws continue to apply
- organisations need to ensure that the actions taken as a result of the assessment do not disproportionately impact those with protected characteristics
- consideration should also be given to other groups needing additional support to travel safely, such as minors and vulnerable people
The guidance also says that airports and operators (including Flying Schools) should also carry out their own Coronavirus Risk Assessments to minimise risk of virus transmission.
The CAA says risks should be reduced to the lowest reasonably practical level by taking preventative measures to either eliminate or control the risks.
Other guidance includes advising pilots and passengers to wear face-coverings where possible and minimise contact with other households.
Specific to flying schools, the CAA says they should make use of measures such as telephone booking to ensure the minimal amount of people are there at any one time and calculating the maximum number of visitors that can reasonably follow social distancing guidelines, and limiting the number of bookings at any one time.
You can read the full CAA Guidance (Updated 30th June 2020) here.