Boom Overture Supersonic Airliner
Aviation engineering and leasing news

Rolls-Royce withdraws from Boom supersonic project

Derby-based aero engine manufacturer Rolls-Royce has withdrawn from the Boom Overture supersonic airliner saying it had completed its contract with the project. Rolls-Royce was one of several jet engine manufacturers helping Boom with engineering studies and had signed a two-year cooperation agreement with the US company. Unlike other engine manufacturers, [read more]

Boom Overture in United Colours
Airline news

United bets on supersonic Boom

US carrier United Airlines has taken civil aviation by surprise by betting big on future supersonic transport after it announced a commercial agreement with Denver based Boom Supersonic to add the Overture supersonic airliner to its fleet. At a price of $200m (list), United has a agreed to purchase 15 [read more]