Anyone with an interest in helicopters, especially historical helicopters, will have seen the amazing progress that’s been made by the team restoring XT761, a Navy Wessex HU5.
It was taken from component parts through to being airworthy again, and flying for the first time on the 1st March 2019.
Now that the flight test programme is also complete, the team have planned the Navy Wessex Open Day for the 18th May 2019 where you will get the chance to see XT761 fly for yourself.
The event, which takes place at the Chard Equestrian, Higher Purtington Showfield, Chard, Somerset, TA18 8QY, will include an Introduction to Historic Helicopters along with the Flight Test and engineering programmes for XT761 along with Visiting Helicopters, Military Vehicles, Hangar Tours and Police Dogs.
Visitors will also get the chance to meet the Aircrew and Engineers who fly and maintain these unique Helicopters.
Entrance to the event costs just £10 and full details can be found at the teams facebook page https://www.facebook.com/NavyWessex/
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