Reviewed: JetEx’s Full Motion 737-800 Simulator

JetEx Simulation's Full Motion Boeing 737-800 Simulator
JetEx Simulation's Full Motion Boeing 737-800 Simulator

When it comes to a flight simulator experience there are plenty to choose from but, whilst many are good, very few can offer the experience of the Full Motion Boeing 737-800 Simulator at JetEx Simulation in Frome. So, when the invite came in to try it out, we jumped at the chance.

So, what is a simulator (sim)? In the simplest terms, it is a simulation of an aircraft often used for training and more frequently these days, for the public to experience what it’s like to fly an airliner. Most simulators available to the public are what’s known as “Fixed Base” meaning you get a visual experience behind the controls of an aircraft. JetEx is different though, not only is it a truly authentic recreation of the flight of a Boeing 737-800 using a real aircraft cockpit, but it is also full motion so you feel every movement and bump like you would in a real aircraft.

The flight deck of JetEx Simulation's Full Motion Boeing 737-800 Simulator
The flight deck of JetEx Simulation’s Full Motion Boeing 737-800 Simulator

I went down to Frome to JetEx HQ and met up with Owner Romek and instructor Simon to find out how good this was compared to Level D simulators used by airlines to train their pilots and I was not disappointed.

Entering the sim you immediately recognise the flight deck layout as being true to life, every light, switch and control is authentic and working and once the door is shut and the bridge retracted, you feel completely immersed in this new reality.

We started our flight under Simon’s instruction on Runway 27 at Bristol Airport and after a short briefing, the throttles were pushed forward, and I got my first taste of what full motion meant. I expected to feel the bumps, and horizontal and lateral movements but perhaps what I wasn’t prepared for was the actual feeling of acceleration that your brain is tricked into. I genuinely felt pushed back into my seat as we thundered down the runway towards the rotation speed. This is all thanks to the six-axis of motion.

Six Axis of motion ensure every movement is felt during your experience
The six Axis of motion ensure every movement is felt during your experience

The visuals also were amazing thanks to JetEx’s use of a wide-angle collimated visual display system rather than screens. This gives a true-to-life representation and an amazing feeling of depth to the view outside.

On our first flight, we did a circuit of Bristol to get used to the controls and how the aircraft handles before landing back on runway 27 at Bristol, once again being awed by the feeling of deceleration as we landed.

Our 2nd flight saw us once again leave Bristol’s Runway 27 before heading out over the channel to carry out some stalls and steep turns and with senses truly assaulted and sweaty palms we then turned for Cardiff Airport for a touch and go.

Once again, the real eye-opener was the deceleration to acceleration felt as the throttles went to TOGA to blast back off into the sky over Glamorgan.

The waiting area at JetEx Simulations
The waiting area at JetEx Simulations

On the short flight back to Bristol some turbulence and wind were added to the mix making the approach to Runway 09 at Bristol a handful to say the least and as expected, you feel every movement of the aircraft in that weather making the palms sweat once again.

Whilst the sim is not currently certified, it performs and feels very close to a Level D device and is frequently used by real-world pilots for practice prior to line proficiency checks, command checks, or airline assessments, and at half the rate of a Level D Sim, it’s not hard to see why.

JetEx’s Simulator was every bit as good as I hoped it would be. The motion truly does make the difference and for anyone who has a passion for flying and wants to experience what it’s really like to fly an airliner, it is a must-do experience.

Anyone can experience the Full Motion Simulator with prices starting at just £140 for a 30-minute session. For those looking for a longer experience, £250 gets you a full hour and £375 gets you 90 minutes. Compared to the price of a Level D sim, which is usually only available during the night for public use, these are an absolute bargain for a full motion experience.

JetEx Simulation is based in Frome, Somerset which is about an hour from Bristol, 30 minutes from Bath and about 2 hours 30 minutes from London.

To find out more and book your experience then visit

About Nick Harding 2091 Articles
Nick is the senior reporter and editor at UK Aviation News as well as working freelance elsewhere. He has his finger firmly on the pulse on Aviation, not only in the UK but worldwide. Nick has been asked to speak in a professional capacity on LBC, Heart and other broadcast networks.