In case you hadn’t noticed its Victory in Europe (VE) day tomorrow and it marks 75 years since the end of World War II in Europe and the defeat of Hitler and Naziism.
This gives the nation a chance to celebrate albeit under unsual conditions. Plans for street parties have become socially distanced street parties with celebrations confined to the front garden but it wont stop us celebrating.
Of course, any Great British celebration isn’t complete without the Red Arrows and tomorrow is no exception.

The Red Arrows are due to leave their base at RAF Scampton at 08:37 before transiting down the east coast of the England in order reach Westminster at 09:10 for a flypast across the capital should also include the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight.
The Reds then return to RAF Scampton just after 9:30.
So party as much as you can, watch the flypast on TV, enjoy the celebrations and let us try and forget about the Coronavirus, if only for a day.
All times are UTC and subject to change for operational and weather reasons.