Mixed, and even all female crews are thankfully becoming a more common sight as more women obtain pilot licences

BALPA signs Women in Aviation Charter

The British Airline Pilots Association (BALPA) has signed the Women in Aviation and Aerospace Charter, which reaffirms the union’s commitment to gender equality and inclusivity in the aviation industry. The charter sets out BALPA’s commitment to advancing the careers of women in aviation and creating an environment where women can [read more]

Gatwick Airport (Image: LGW)
Airport News

Government approves second runway at London Gatwick

Transport Secretary Heidi Alexander has announced that she is “minded to approve” the plans for expansion at Lonon Gatwick (LGW/EGKK) which includes making use of the standby runway for dual runway operations. But added she will not formally give the decision until October to allow the airport to address environmental [read more]

Airline news

Union warns aspiring pilots about lack of jobs

The British Airline Pilots Association (BALPA), the union that represents commercial pilots in the UK, has put out an extraordinary video warning prospective pilots about the shape of the industry post pandemic. In the video BALPA’s Head Of Membership and Career Services, Wendy Pursey, says that they estimate there will [read more]