Cass is a mum of 2 and certified avgeek.
Who am I and what’s this all about??!!
Well I’m Cass and I am currently a stay at home mum because my husband works away, we live in South Wales and have done for 16 years now, we have two gorgeous little girls and have a thing for anything aviation related!!
I was a nurse for ten years and since leaving that profession behind I have been trying to break into other avenues. After having no luck at all on the job front I was given the opportunity to manage the social media accounts for a leading Aviation News company based in South Wales and this has given me a new focus and challenge!
I have always had aviation in my blood, my Dad was in the Navy and we lived next to Culdrose in Helston, Cornwall so daily spotting of the Sea Kings with Mum and Night flying was my daily routine!
I was fortunate to visit the local Gliding club with my Dad regularly and my brother and I helped him build an X-Air microlight (don’t worry there will be a whole separate post and photos about that!).
A few years ago after a trip to Legoland with our girls, we stayed at a Premier Inn at the end of one of the runways at Heathrow and when I saw my eldest face (and my husbands) I realised this was going to be an interest we could all share together!!!!
I will be writing about visiting places and events with our girls, the practicality of things, our experiences and how I juggle a hobby with being a full-time mum!
Things coming up are Islas first flight, children’s storybooks about flying and what’s in a name??!!
I haven’t thought of a good sign off yet but bear with me! Chocks away (yep, I definitely won’t be using that one again!!!!).
Avgeek Mum x