With the Champions League Final over and done with and Real Madrid celebrating in Cibeles Square we look at back at what the event meant to Cardiff Airport, by the Numbers!
In addition to being a feast for aviation enthusiasts with a variety of different airlines and aircraft, it also provided a huge boost to passenger numbers and revenue at Wales’ National Airport.
21,000 fans arrived on specially chartered flights from across Italy, Spain and other parts of Europe.
1 Extra (Temporary) Terminal
380 aircraft movements on top of the normal scheduled flights over 4 days.
3125 Fares on the Cardiff Airport T9 Bus
800 Taxi trips
3105 Pints of Lager served at Cardiff Airport
1645 Sandwiches and Baguettes served
770 croissants served
620 souvenir keyrings and magnets
328 Welsh dragon cuddly toys & fluffy sheep
Speaking about the event, Deb Barber, CEO of Cardiff Airport, said: “Having had a few days to reflect it’s amazing to think what we as a city have achieved. As Wales’ national airport we welcomed 21,000* travelling fans in a very short amount of time, not to mention the teams themselves and a number of VIPs.
Working in partnership with UEFA, Football Association of Wales, South Wales Police and with the cooperation and hard work of our team, we were able to deliver a successful and safe event. The Champions League final has demonstrated just what we can deliver as the national airport of Wales, and we as a team look forward to future opportunities and an exciting year ahead.”

Good to know the statistics .
If 21,000 arrived at Cardiff Airport how did the majority then travel on to Cardiff (or to another destination). The figures for using the T9 and taxi do not seem to remotely tally with those numbers, while the catering figures also seem very low as well. OK, some maybe had private car or coach transfers but still…
Hi Ian, Private coaches.