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“Parachute stall” caused fatal Ombersley Court amateur balloon accident

A “Parachute stall” was the most likely cause of a fatal hot air balloon accident in Worcestershire last year according to the Air Accident Investigations Branch who published their report in crash today.

The amateur made hot air balloon DB-6R (registered as G-CMFS) was taking part in a competition event am Ombersley Court on the 25th June 2023

As part of the competition, balloon pilots had to drop markers as close as they could to a target on the ground.

The balloon climbed rapidly away from the target and shortly after the envelope was seen to collapse resulting in the envelope and basket descending rapidly to the ground fatally injuring the pilot, 25-year old Peter Gregory from Cirencester.

Investigators said that the balloon design along with weather conditions contributed to the accident and made three recommendations to the British Ballon and Airship club, there being to…

A parachute stall happens when the vent (known as the parachute vent) at the top of the ballon, used to help control vertical movements is unable to reseal allowing the envelope to collapse.

The full report can be viewed here

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