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Airports could increase passenger revenue if journey streamlined

Easyjet Terminal Scene

Research carried out by AeroCloud has found that 82% of passengers would spend more in airports if their journey through the airport was smoother and more streamlined.

The intelligent airport management platform provider surveyed 2,000 people and over two thirds said that if they could move through check-in and security in a more streamlined way they would be likely to spend more in airport outlets such as bars and restaurants.

This is particularly relevant for the 66% of passengers surveyed that intentionally arrive early at airports to utilise those facilities.

Becoming a “Destination Airport” is goal for many airports as they want to be the airport of choice for passengers and one of the common fears of airport operators is passengers choosing to fly from an alternative to theirs.

With that in mind AeroCloud says the blueprint to becoming a destination airport includes:

George Richardson, CEO and co-founder, of AeroCloud, said: “The future is looking bright for global air travel as it experiences a huge surge in passenger volumes. This is encouraging for global airport leaders, particularly given as recently as October 2023, 52% of leaders were worried about the financial stability of their airport, with 37% still in debt.

“It presents a massive opportunity for the airport sector to soar to new heights. However, our research shows that passengers won’t settle for mediocre experiences and if airport leaders get it wrong, they will lose out on attracting these new passengers to neighbouring travel hubs.

“Consumers want seamless, self-service experience powered by tech. Discerning passengers are looking for comfortable and inclusive environments, with more choices in concession areas. We’re confident that airport sector leaders are committed to meeting passenger demands for improved experiences. With today’s innovative technology, talent and partners, airports have access to all the necessary tools needed to attract and retain passengers, boost passenger spending, and capitalise on the boom in air travel.”

The good news for the industry is that the survey also found that 70% of respondents intended to sustain or even increase their level of travel for business and or leisure in the next 12 months but will prioritise airports that offer a better experience.

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